TGIF Hotspot 3.5″

This page displays an album of photo snapshots of the various screens available on the NEW 3.5″ TGIFSpot, created by Mitch EA7KDO(sk) and James KF6S(sk) and expanded by Phil VE3RD
This display unit is assembled and programmed as a special order by Robert K4WZV and can be found and ordered at


Installation Instructions (Install Screen Package)

Log into your pi-star hotspot and issue the following commands
(Note this Screen Package will not work on the WSPSD dashboard system)
(Note This Screen Package is specific to the NX4832K035 Nextion Screen)
sudo su
rm -r Scripts
git clone
cd Scripts
./ NX4832K035 Beta FF

You can flash from the flash screen on your Nextion Screen(if available)
or you can flash from the command line utility in the Scripts Directory